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First Year Student Orientation

Welcome to the Crimson Experience

Orientation is not just an event at Bridgewater State University — it is an engaging process that begins from the moment a new first year student deposits to the end of their first semester! At BSU this is called the “Crimson Experience.” If you have any questions about the Crimson Experience, please reach out to Orientation at 508.531.1840 or

large light up capital letters that say GO BEARS in rainbow colors

Bear Launch

The Bear Launch welcome call is a required first step for new first year students to kickstart their Crimson Experience. Students will receive an email from with an assigned date and time for a one-on-one phone call.
4 BSU students smiling together on the BSU quad with other students sitting or walking behind them

BSU Checkpoint

During this program, you will be able to confirm items on your Checklist and make connections with your peers! The Checkpoint program is run throughout the month of June. If you are unable to attend, remember to continue to check your BSU email for important information leading up to the start of the semester, and review your First Year or Transfer Checklists for your next steps!
2 BSU first year students sitting next to each other at Crimson Days event. One, wearing a blue baseball cap, has his forehead resting on top of a small red and white inflatable ball while the second student with a black baseball cap worn backwards holds 3 small inflatable balls while looking at the first and laughing

Crimson Days & Crimson Celebration

Your Crimson Experience continues with “Crimson Days” in late August/early September. Crimson Days offers a variety of interactive sessions and events designed for new to BSU students to make connections, learn about BSU and engage with the BSU community like “Crimson Celebration”, a spirited community-centered welcome event.

Orientation Leader helping new student on computer

The First Semester Roadmap

Participating in the First Semester Roadmap program is the final step in your Crimson Experience. The First Semester Roadmap is a multifaceted program that runs throughout your first semester and has three major components: a biweekly customized newsletter communication with important resources and reminders, a peer mentoring opportunity, and an EngageBSU checklist with various recommended and required action items designed to help you get the most out of your first semester.
a female student with long brown hair wearing glasses, a brown winter hat, headphones and green hoodie sits at a table and writes on paper while a laptop sits open in front of her
Students must submit their English essay to choose classes and meet with an advisor in the Academic Achievement Center. For fall 2024, the form to submit your essay will open in late February. Completing all placement testing by May 17 will ensure you are able to register at the earliest possible time.
A student listens intently in class while taking notes
Students must complete their Bridgewater Elementary Algebra Readiness (BEAR) Exam to choose classes and meet with an advisor in the Academic Achievement Center. Completing all placement testing by May 17 will ensure you are able to register at the earliest possible time.
Sociology professor kneeling down and talking to a student who is sitting at a desk in class with an open laptop

Advising and Registration

After the Math placement test has been completed and English placement essay is completed and scored, students will receive their Advising Welcome email. The Advising Welcome email will be delivered to each student’s BSU email account and will contain important information about the course registration process including a link to an instructional video which walks students and families step-by-step through the process. Students will be required to review the personalized course recommendations created by an Academic Advisor and will use those recommendations to create their first semester Registration Plan.  Advising Welcome emails will come from  
After students create their Registration Plan, they will schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor.  Students should schedule these appointments as soon as possible.  During their academic advising appointment, students will register for their classes, begin building an advising relationship, and have any other questions answered to feel prepared to start at BSU!

ooking into a window with a sign that spells out "Welcome" in English and sign language above a neon sign that says BE SEEN

Accommodations and Accessibility

If you have a disability and need to request accommodations or campus mobility/access planning, please contact Student Accessibility Services at 508.531.2194 or
girl with long dark hair wearing red and black flannel shirt using a computer in Maxwell Library



Helpful Videos

View helpful how-to videos for new bears!